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You have been silent too long!

SHOUT these walls are coming down!

SPEAK these mountains must move!

DECLARE these doors must open!

You have been silent too long! Open your mouth and see your voice OPEN DOORS, crumble walls, and move mountains. The Hebrew word is ‘peh-daleth’ - : Your voice opens doors! 

The word of God in your mouth is a powerful key to lock and unlock things. Consider this verse: ‘Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors! Let the King of glory come in.’ [Psalm 24:7] Did you know the bible describes the human mouth as a door that opens and closes doors? David said: Set a guard over my mouth Lord; Keep watch over the door of my lips. [Psalm 141:3] WHY? Because your mouth is that powerful. You can open and close things with your mouth. God designed you to have a super powerful voice that OPENS DOORS, shatters barriers, and moves mountains.


Maybe you haven’t thought about it in this way, but RIGHT NOW you could be holding in your mouth the key to opening the door that is delaying your dreams. For too long you have been blocked, delayed, discouraged, and stopped by doors, walls and mountains that have no authority to obstruct your way or keep you out of your blessings. Like Jericho your enemies have told you… you can’t come in here… you cannot beat this… you cannot have this…, but God says: Look a land flowing with milk and honey! You have been around and around these walls enough times… NOW… open your mouth and start using the superpower God has set in your mouth. This is not the time to be quiet and reserved… this is the moment to SHOUT… to speak… to sing… to prophesy... because when your faith comes out of your mouth it will open doors, crumble walls, and move mountains!


We are coming into a divine moment of completion. There is a time to be quiet and there is a definite time to shout. If you’ve been following the Lord closely you will have noticed that something is changing… Heaven is getting louder and louder and so should we! Can you hear the Kingdom of Heaven thundering with eager expectation as those who’ve been desperately hungry for more of God are talking every bit of it violently and with passion. Like a deer panting for water the thirsty are laying everything down in their search for the deeper things of God. I hear God say: This is not in vain! Keep pushing in… YOUR WALLS ARE COMING DOWN IN AN INSTANT! It is almost complete… keep worshipping!


It's on the other side of breakthrough that’s where your blessings wait! At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed.  [Acts 16:25-26] Some things will not move or open unless you speak to it. Jesus said: Speak to the mountain! [Mark 11:23] Many are the words kept silent that have the power to release breakthroughs, miracles, and overflows! When you unlock the floodgates and open them up, that’s when OVERFLOW happens!


God wants you to follow His call through UNLOCKED DOORS. A closed door is nothing when you have been given the key. To you the walls of Jericho are an OPEN DOOR into everything God has promised you. We live at a time where we easily speak words that break and curse us but hold back on the words God gave us to bless and free us. Many have allowed the devil to keep their mouths locked down, shut up and silent, when one loud praise… one booming word of faith… one confident shout of hallelujah… could’ve cleared the way. Fact is our mouths hold God’s masterkey to doors we haven’t even seen, promises we haven’t taken hold of and so many wonders waiting to be released. Jesus said: ‘you have the keys!... I gave them to you!’

Here it is:…. Open the door of your mouth and speak faith. Open the doorway of your mouth and release worship. SHOUT in the place of unity and agreement for tomorrow I will do wonders among you!


Get ready! Prepare yourself! BE HOLY AS HE IS HOLY! Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do great wonders among you. See the Lord! Follow the ark! Step into the river! GO FORTH… you have not gone this way before, but God is with you. HE’S taking you to your PROMISE! [Joshua 3:1-16] You will cross at JERICHO, and you will go in by JERICHO! No other place will give you entrance– this is the place of faithfulness, offering and obedience. This is the place where you decide if you are ready to trust God and obey Him at every command.


If you DO what God said…

you will have what God said! It really is that simple.

  • What you do and sacrifice at JERICHO will open the door to your PROMISE!

  • What you do in consecration will open the door to your BLESSINGS!

  • What you do in prayer and fasting will open the door to your POWER and AUTHORITY!

  • What you do in faith and obedience will release your PURPOSE and CALLING!


I believe God is calling His people to press in… pray… fast… worship… and seek Him NOW… for JERICHO is waiting to open to them all the wonders of the abundant life. Fact is … Salvation will get you out of Egypt, but its obedience that will take you into the land flowing with milk and honey. Too many have left Egypt but refuse to come into obedience. Too many have fallen for the lie that God requires nothing of His children. See the ones who say that... HOW ARE THINGS GOING FOR THEM?

How is disobedience working out for them?

God promised Joshua that if the people, without question, excuse or argument followed His command exactly for 7DAYS, that He’d bring down the fortified walls of Jericho standing between them and their amazing future. They did and He did! [Joshua 6:1-20]


SHOUT for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you! You have been silent too long! Open your mouth and see your voice OPEN DOORS, crumble walls, and move mountains.


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