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You can’t scare God with your faith!

You cannot chase Him away with your hopes!

You can’t dream a dream so outrageous, wild and big that God is surprised! Nothing you can come up with in your richest imagination can catch God off guard!

Paul tells us that God is able to do exceedingly, immeasurably and abundantly more than you could ever dare ask or are brave enough to think of (infinitely beyond your greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams). He does this by, with and according to His own power that is already at work within you! [Ephesians 3:20]… GO AHEAD… put your trust in God and dream BIG!


None of your dreams are ever too big or wild for God! It is time for God’s people to truly get to know their real heavenly Father! It’s not possible to have small faith and little dreams when you actually know God. The bible teaches us that God can achieve infinitely more than our greatest request and our most unbelievable dream. He is willing to exceed even your wildest imagination! Jesus said: Ask anything in His name and He will do it. [John 14:13-14] So, be bold and ask what is stirring in your greatest faith… God is listening!


Jesus said He came so those who follow Him can have a beautiful life, a fullness of life, an abundance of life, an excessive life, and an overflow of life! [John 10:10] The Greek word ‘perisseuó’ used here translates to: OVER AND ABOVE… to supernaturally exceed what is ordinary! Jesus tells us in this same scripture that the one who wants you to live an ordinary life is the devil… not God! This world wants to chew people up and spit them out, but God has another plan for His children. The devil wants to drain them… But God wants to fill them to overflowing! The world tells people to SUFFER in silence, SURVIVE under slavery, ACCEPT your poverty, ENDURE your sickness, but God says: “NO! Have faith in God! Dream big and speak faith to your mountains!”


David said… Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing… My cup runs over! [Psalm 23:1,5] and Peter said… God has given us everything we need for life and godliness.  [2 Peter 1:3] This kind of faith offends a world that wants people to live ORDINARY lives!


WOW… do you see that? That’s in your bible. You can’t scare God with your faith! He will scare you with His plan for your life. You give God your best plan and He surprises you with good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be given to you. [Luke 6:38] Why question, doubt and hold back great faith when God has such wonderful plans for you? Why would you not go all in when God is willing to back you, fill you, overflow you and never stop. Consider the UPPER ROOM… When God pours out, He ALWAYS pours out outrageously and generously. When you choose to be with God your cup will always be in overflow! So, what is there in your most outrageous faith that is looking to make an appearance in this world?


How does He do this? By making His habitation in you and working through you as you worship Him! This is not available to those who don’t believe. It is a promise to those who choose to believe in Jesus, trust in God and follow after Him with all their heart. Without that… NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE!


Jesus described this so well in John15 when He said: If you will abide in Me and allow Me to abide in you … then the supernatural life coming directly from Me will flow fully into you making your overflow an automatic product and evidence of My life in you!

Paul said: Things happen when you ABIDE in Him and let Him abide in you! [Ephesians 3:17]

Amazing things happen when you give your god-sized dreams to the Almighty One who can make them come true!


If God is capable of exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask or think… maybe the time has come for us to develop a faith crazy enough to ask for those things. What if you decided to lean into God today further than you ever have and start trusting Him more with your impossible hopes, dreams, and faith?

What if you just decided today to dream bigger?

What do you think or imagine could be the result of putting big faith in an Almighty God?

NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen. [Hebrews 11:1]

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