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I AM GOD …and… I WILL BREAK YOUR WINESKINS!...  says the Lord.

Behold I do a new thing [Isaiah 43:19] … see, it is still happening! My NEW WINE is still expanding and increasing but have you have stopped giving My Spirit room? My family still needs to grow, but have you been avoiding babies? Your womb that once birthed so many babies and eagerly expanded with joy has become an old shrinking wineskin that cannot receive anything new without it breaking your skin and disturbing your lifestyle. Your old wineskin is happy with a ‘still’ wind and a calm day, but have you forgotten that I also come in rolling thunder, wild wind, tornados, HEAVY RAIN, and lighting!

New wine has fermenting power. I don’t come with an inactive or weak Word… I come in POWER! [1 Corinthians 4:20] Has your thinking become too small for a Sovereign God who moves in supernatural power however and whenever He wants?

I see what you’ve done. You’ve have replaced movement and obedience with structure. You've created a form of godliness that has no power to save, heal or deliver. You’ve built business, constitutions, and organisations when I asked you to be a fertile household of faith, prayer, and worship. I see you building religious temples saturated with clever doctrine and legalism meant to constrain Me while elevating and celebrating you. You have built a house for your needs, comforts, entertainment, and pleasures but have neglected to ask Me where I wanted My altar to be and how I wanted to be worshipped. You have organised Me and My Spirit out of My church. When Jesus addressed this in Luke 5 it offended the religious sensibilities of both the Pharisees and John’s disciples. WHY? They could not imagine that God could lead their religion better than they were.


Understand this will not remain… I WILL BREAK YOUR WINESKINS!...  it’s not your church its Mine! My church does not exist to worship people… its My house. Watch and see what I am about to do on the earth. I will restore MY HOUSE! Wineskins will break! I will burst open the things that cannot hold My Presence and the things that have tried to constrain Me. In this coming outpouring (it is much closer than you think) many established, and seemingly stable wineskins will reveal their inability to receive Me and expand with My glory. Too many churches have become establishments and not movements… mountains and not rivers! Take note… when My NEW WINE starts to pour many will be surprised by the number of churches and leaders that will burst open for they have overlooked how to intimately worship Me, serve Me, honour Me and host My Presence.


Are you flexible enough right now to live a life totally led by My Holy Spirit?

Church… people of God… I call you to listen… it’s time to loosen up, open up, and stretch out… because NEW WINE is coming! New wine is fresh, fragrant, bubbly, and full of hope. What heaven is about to release in this season of overflow cannot be contained or locked up in old wineskins.



You’ve tried to manage Me, afford Me, accommodate Me… but the result has cost you many miracles, breakthroughs and have kept so many locked away in a prison of their own making. Too many Christians have allowed their inflexibility, their human philosophies, their worldly opinions, and their inability to move with My Spirit to become their religious prison. Many have become so accustomed to religious methods, patterns, comforts, and rituals that any appearance of a move of Holy Spirit threatens to burst, overturn, and destroy the fragile world they’ve created.


NEW WINE AND POWER IS COMING … READY OR NOT…… IF ANYONE IS IN CHRIST, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. [2 Corinthians 5:17] Transformation is not something we do… it's something we submit to!


YOU DECIDE WHEN YOU WILL SUBMIT! If you’ve been waiting for your NEW WINE and it’s not come… the pause may be due to your NEW WINE waiting for a wineskin it can use. No one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine, and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved. [Matthew 9:17] Be careful GOD WILL NOT HOLD BACK FOREVER… Tell your soul and your flesh to get thirsty again or you’ll burst in what is coming! Get thirsty… because thirst welcomes change and the thirsty look for NEW WINE!


C’mon now… Wake up your faith and shake up your worship while there is still time, or when the pouring happens, you'll burst! Get ready the new wineskin! Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you. Be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ-within as your new life and live in union with Him! For God has re-created you all over again in His perfect righteousness, and you now belong to Him in the realm of true holiness. [Ephesians 4:23-24]

Paul said, “I die daily.” [1 Corinthians 15:31]- Because I want to be a new wineskin every day for all that God will do NOW!


May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness — an abundance of grain and new wine. [Genesis 27:28] There is no doubt… God wants to do a NEW THING for a NEW SEASON in your life! He is birthing new hope, new strength, new passion for worship, greater levels of faith, and a fresh anointing for greater things so that He can usher in refreshing waves of revival for such a time as this!


Thirst welcomes change when change promises NEW WINE!

Get ready the new wineskin! Unless you’re willing to change NOW… you will burst… because NEW WINE is coming!


Today I pray for those who think their old wineskin will hold till the end. I pray they get a fresh thirst... a new passion... a real devotion... a stirring in their worship… before they burst!




Nico Smit  -

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