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There is a real snake in the grass that kills joy, strangles liberty, and may be the most tolerated sin in Christianity, and it's called legalism. Why? Because it moves among the people masquerading as serious-holiness, great-perfection and super-spirituality. It boasts by announcing its religious superiority and thrives on lording laws over people.


Sitting on my flight from San Francisco to Sydney I felt the Lord highlight and say: “Legalism is killing My church! My church has forgotten true grace! My people have turned back the reformation.”


Maybe you've never looked into legalism and what it actually is. In this article I put together a few thoughts to give you a fresh look. I must add that it is very easy for good people to fall into legalism without ever realizing it. Maybe the following will help.


What is it?

Paul declared... “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.” [Galatians 2:21]

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. [Colossians 2:8]


Legalism quietly exterminates grace and produces a hardened self-righteous heart towards others. Legalism is the direct opposite of grace. It is a dangerous system that ignores Jesus's instructions and in turn uses religious laws to hurt sheep, marginalize Jesus, and exalt wolves.


Legalism believes a person can earn or keep God’s favor by their outward efforts and works. It forgets that nobody can boast in their own righteousness without Jesus's gift of grace.


Legalism is a system that thrives on personal performance, personal supremacy, and sadly, the trampling of persons. It preaches grace, mercy and humility but relentlessly squashes those things where and when they are most needed.


Legalism believes that laws trump love, but Jesus said it’s the other way around. He said: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own tradition!” [Mark 7:9] The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. [2 Corinthians 3:6]


Legalism makes and elevates rules Jesus never gave. It takes things that may be biblically true and turns them into instruments of control, performance, spectacle or punishment. God wants our relationship with Him to stand on a deep personal intimacy not a public show.

LEGALISM is to tighten your grip on other things and lessen your grip on Jesus!


Legalism is a relentless task master that will ask for personal atonement but never ever be satisfied with the results. It believes there can never be enough done for restoration to come. So, it keeps people in a system of bondage forever.


Legalism demotes the core supreme teachings of Jesus to a place of not being enough to deal with the issues of life. It thinks adding more rules will make the Gospel better.


Modern-day pharisees have many definitions, conditions and expectations that are not in Jesus's teachings. Because of that, they not only miss so many of the great things God’s doing but they often attack them. They dismiss grace as being too easy. Revival could be right in front of them, and they would struggle to perceive it, because it could be dripping with grace.


We would do well to remember... As Christians, we are saved by grace, live by grace, mature in Christ by grace, are filled with grace so as to extend grace to others, both inside and outside the church. The importance of God’s grace cannot be overstated in a world that loves to worship rules.


Legalism is a sin.


You don't want it.


If you today identify ANY legalism in your… Ask God to soften your heart, remove your anger, bend your pride and release you from that demonic system.

God is faithful and will pour grace in abundance over you.


The good news is that when God's love and grace fills your heart there will never be any open door for legalism to come in. Legalism is the opposite of grace. Where GRACE flows legalism is washed away.


Hope this little study helped you. Blessings




‘WHEN LEGALISM RULES, JESUS IS IGNORED!’ - published 20 February 2025. Find it and other prophetic words on:

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