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Wage war for your word!

If God has spoken, then it is on the receiver to act on what He said. Every prophetic word comes with an invitation to believe God and do something. Many stand ready to receive word after word of prophesy, but few make the effort to fight a good warfare to see them come to pass!


What good is getting a prophetic word from God if you're not willing to go after it with faith? What is the point of going after one prophet after the other for a fresh word if you did nothing with the last one you received? This is not spoken of often, but it must be understood. The bible says: God watches over prophetic words to bring them to pass. [Jeremiah 1:12, 31:28] What is He watching for? He is looking for those who will believe Him enough to prepare a good landing place for that word to land. Just because a person heard a prophetic word from God does not automatically imply they are ready, prepared and in a position to receive its manifestation.


Over the years I have seen so many people receive powerful words with confirmations only to hear them say: “It’s been many years and I have not seen it come to pass!” My reply is always: “What have you done in response and in preparation of such a word?” One recent example is of a man who received a much wanted and appreciated word about 12 years ago that God would call him into a ministry building houses in Africa telling me: “It’s been years, and nothing has happened.” I asked him, since receiving this word, whether he has learnt and obtained any skills in construction. His response was that he was waiting on God to send him so he could get ready. To which I heard God respond: “I’ve been waiting years for you to be ready so I can send you!” This man had been in a holding pattern for many years because he did not have any prepared place for his prophetic word to land on.


Paul encouraged Timothy to take his prophetic words seriously, prepare and wage a good fight for them, because to fight poorly raises the possibility of losing or not seeing them come to pass. Paul said: “Timothy, if you don’t fight you can lose it!”


This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that BY THEM you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected and concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck [1 Timothy 1:18-19]


How would you fight? By using the very words God has spoken. –“GOD HAS SPOKEN and I believe Him!” Paul told Timothy to fight his battels with his prophecies. Use what is true, what is righteous, what is powerful, and what is holy to destroy anything that wants to stop you from rising to the fullness of God’s plan for your life. When you use the very prophecy God gave you as a weapon against lies, doubt, negativity, diversions, and distractions then God opens the way for the word sent to become the word delivered.


For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]


Scripture tells us that prophecy is a weapon we use to wage war against the enemy. It is the authority with which we OCCUPY the promises of God. It’s the means we use to tell the devil that God has a better plan for our lives than anything he has.


Enforce, support, and repeat the words God has spoken concerning you and your destiny. James tells us that Elijah was a man like us, but that he prayed his prophecies into life. He positioned himself, readied himself and prayed. [James 5:17] He did not divorce himself from the war for his word and neither should we. Don’t leave those God-sent chain breaking prophecies hanging dormant over your life. Contend for them and with them!


It’s one thing to receive a prophecy, but it is another to see it fulfilled. In Matthew 11:12, Jesus points to the reality that there are blessings we MUST fight for…  “…the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” That means that there are times you cannot just sit back and wait for things "to just happen". Our loving Father has made many blessings available to His children, but some of them we must “go to Him” to receive. Every word from God is waiting for you to act upon it, stand upon it and hold onto it.


Why wage war? There are folks who desire and receive more and more words… greater and greater prophecies… who then wonder why they experience bigger and bigger battles. The answer is very simple:… there are things, forces and principalities that would rather you not walk in your destiny. As clear as you hear the Word of the Lord concerning your future and purpose… so does your enemy… so does your flesh… so does the devil. If you’re not going to grab hold of it and fight for it… be sure… the devil will do everything he can to arrange for it not to happen.


🔴  Remind yourself today of the word God has spoken over you!

🔴  Read what God says about you in scripture!

🔴  Listen to what God says to you in the Spirit!


The prophecy over you is freedom, breakthrough, and deliverance.

Pray it! Speak what has been spoken over you and God will join the fight with you.


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