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Updated: Aug 25

God woke me with these words:

<<WAKE UP! Wake from sleep... WAR IS HERE!>>

Don’t be caught off guard. I tell you what will happen now. Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. [Isaiah 60:1] Put on your full armour and stand. The revival you asked for is on its way and will wage war with every religious thing that has raised itself higher than Me. In the coming months you will see many battles about right and wrong become very heated. Many will say they are right, and their ways are the most moral, but their choices will offend everything that is not of Me; and THEIR CHOICES will trigger every demonic ideology boasting against My ways. You will see the spirit of anger and pride rise in the church between leaders, groups and even movements; and also, in the world of politics, as different sides stand up to enforce and defend their masters. Don’t worry when you see this… pray and trust Me… I have started a pre-revival battle to prepare the way.


Why am I doing this? … the church, and the world look the same, because Satan has been recruiting in and out of the church. This coming battle will draw a line between kingdoms. It will expose everything birthed, sustained and adored in darkness. It will reveal partnerships with death, perversion and wickedness. It will uncover every activity feeding lusts of the flesh and starving the things of the Spirit. In this there must be CLEAR separations and divisions among you. The differences among you will be necessary to reveal which of you have My approval (dokimoi -tested and accepted) and which do not. [1 Corinthians 11:19] I will call out carnal ideas in the same way Jesus called out Peter when He said: "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, BUT THE THINGS OF MEN." [Matthew 16:23]


War is coming in this pre-revival season to clean house and resolve who is for Me and who is working against Me. Hiding will not be possible! In this battle for holiness, true worship and consecration it will be reveal who truly reverences the God of heaven and who actually follow the way of deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons. [Matthew 18:7; 1 Timothy 4:1] The Word teaches that in this battle ‘stumbling-blocks’, ‘deceivers who teach perverse things’, ‘people who call evil good’, ‘those who live by legalism’, ‘those building their own ego and kingdom’ and ‘those who get religiously offended’ will all arise up in the church… and they must. They must be uncovered and exposed. This will be a battle for consecration, holiness and faith. MY LIGHT will clearly shine on those who live to follow Jesus and those who don’t!


If you’re a true follower of Jesus there will be no need to fear or be alarmed, but you will need to decide where you will end up standing when this battle starts. This battle is an answer to the prayer you’ve prayed. I’ve heard your prayers, says the Lord, for blessings, revival fire and heaven’s glory, but it will also purify and radically change the way people live. Be confident… what you’ve asked for is on its way! I am sending a fresh wind, but first I’m going to clean My house and prepare her to be a suitable landing place. Every demon must vacate! Or… Have you forgotten… when I come, I will only inhabit a clean house and in a dirty house My Spirit will not rest.


This is a very important thing! Too many ideas and practices of the world and religion have infiltrated My house and stolen My worship. Religious entertaining spirits and their seductions have tried to replace Me for too long. Many men and woman have raised themselves up to be worshipped, admired, and have become ministry idols taking people's eyes off Me and onto themselves. This is a bad taste in My mouth. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? [1 Peter 4:17] This battle is My love in full display! This is a battle that must happen to purify My house and return My people from eternal destruction. Idolatry, sin, impurity and filth have kept My church from her revival destiny for too long. This battle for holiness will change that!


My church should be a home for sheep… not a clubhouse for wicked goats!

The sheep who love light and covenant must be separated from the goats who only love darkness, entertainment and compromise. Many will say: ‘Where is your grace… where is your love?’, but I say: THIS IS MY LOVE THAT SAVES!

This is a love battle that needs to happen to remove compromise and idolatry from the true house and people of God. See… I have opened the door and invited people to ascend into My presence, but too many have been reluctant to come deeper because they’ve grown too comfortable with their one-hour convenient church service, their religiously packaged/ordered worship, and the absence of strong corporate prayer. So now in love I’m releasing a cleansing pre-revival judgment over My church to restore her so that she can reverently and passionately carry what I’m about to pour out on the earth.


This is urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, wake from sleep… from your (hypnou)-spiritual complacency. For your salvation is nearer now than when you first believed. [Romans 13:11] Wake up from your drunken stupor. Sober up and stop sinning. [1 Corinthians 15:34] Be on your guard, not asleep like the others. You must be awake and sober. [1 Thessalonians 5:6] The door to deeper things have already opened and I have called you higher. The reality of this moment is... Millions of Christians worldwide have cried out for revival and a move of God, but many will not see it unless they are willing to let Me clean house and restore worship.


This happened before... From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL?” He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, FOR IT WAS HE WHO WOULD BETRAY HIM, being one of the twelve. [John 6:65-71]

The battle is here… WAKE UP CHURCH.... devils are already walking among the saints and God is starting a battle to expose them! Too many have BEEN slumbering too long…  WAR IS ALREADY HERE!


This will be a pre-revival battle to make ready the holy altars for the receiving of the Lord. I say it has already started.... The fight of faith is NOW! The urgency of holiness is NOW!

WHY???... because revival is on its way!


BUT FIRST…….. MY HOUSE MUST BE CLEANED and good must be separated from the evil. I’m stirring a battle right now to expose the religious idols that have become stumbling blocks on our road to revival.

  • Clarity is coming!

  • Accurate discernment is coming!

  • I will show you what you need to see!

  • THEN… Decide if you are for God or against Him!

  • Choose now for yourself the god you will serve… one of soul or one of the Spirit!

  • Choose now… choose well… because this will be eternal life or eternal death to you and your family!


  • Which side are you on?

  • Do you even know????  




‘THE PRE-REVIVAL BATTLE!’ - published 23 August 2024.  

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