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The light is green… it's time for you to GO through!

So here you are standing at another OPEN DOOR and God is saying:…

The light is green… the time has come for you to GO through! What good is an open door to overflow and blessings if you’re not going to live on the other side? It’s on the other side of your breakthrough that your blessings wait. It’s on the other side of the ‘OPEN DOOR’ river that your Promise Land remains.


Recently God showed me a traffic light with the green light bright as day and said: “TELL MY PEOPLE ITS TIME TO GET GOING for I will be doing mighty things in the wake of their obedience! The light is green… don’t let this one pass you by… you have to GO through!”


Many of these wonderful doors are not new… some have been within sight for years. There have been many years of invitations, promises, sweet tasters, flash floods of glory and moments of outpouring…. BUT NOW WE STAND AGAIN AT AN OPEN DOOR… A BURNING BUSH… A PARTED OCEAN… AN OPEN HEAVEN… and the voice of the Lord said: I’m moving why aren't you? Move with Me!


How do you know something is alive? IT MOVES!

There’s a time to wait, and there’s a time to move. When I say MOVE and you don’t… that is rebellion. Obedience is better than looking spiritual and appearing pious. You may think it sounds very spiritual to say: “I am being still” or “I’m waiting on God”, but it’s not if I’ve already said:--  MOVE… GET GOING… DO WHAT I TOLD YOU!


You have DWELT / SAT / RELAXED / WAITED long enough at this mountain. It is time to break camp and move on with your faith. [Deuteronomy 1:6-7] Its time to walk on water and be supernatural! Get out of the trenches and onto the battlefield where Goliath is! I want My people to know what victory feels like. I want you to know what winning feels like. I want My church WALKING, LIVING and MOVING by faith like never before.


Your blessings are not behind you! They’re in front of you! Everything I have for you is found in the place I’m taking you to not the one I brought you out of. Egypt is not your home. The wilderness is not your resting place. There is a land before you that has your name on it… GO LIVE THERE!


Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” [Exodus 14:13-14] All that sounded great until God spoke.

The problem was… God did not tell Moses that. God did not say stop. He did not say wait. He did not say be still. This was Moses trying to say something that sounds spiritual. He was trying to do the thing that felt like the right thing to do… but it was AGAINST what God said. God already gave His instructions: “GO to your Promised Land. FOLLOW My lead. The floodgate is open. MOVE through the OPEN DOOR I have made. The light is green… GO! I am with you!”


This is how God rebuked Moses… "Why do you keep calling out to me for help? Tell the people to get moving! GET GOING! Raise your staff… stretch out your hand over the sea… and GO!” [Exodus 14:15-16]


God told Moses that He would take care of the threat… that was not their business… their ONLY business was to GO as commanded!


Whoever says he abides in Christ ought himself also to WALK (live, move and follow) just as He WALKED (lived, moved, and followed). [1 John 2:6] For in Him we live and move and have our being. [Acts 17:28] If we live in Him… then we should also move in Him!


…. What has God said to you? Stop crying about your situation and get going… move on!

Jesus said: If you really want to be My disciple… drop your stuff and come with Me!

Sure, God will fight for you… but you must move!

The light is green… start walking in what He has called you.

There is a wave of God starting to move over the face of this world. God wants you ahead of the wave not behind it.

The light is green… its time to GO through the door in faith!

* from the prophetic series... GO FORTH '23

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