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REVIVAL FLAMES are attractive to the lover, but offensive to the adulterer.

When men truly encounter God, they will definitely encounter His fire, and the urgent unction will rise… AM I STAYING OR AM I LEAVING?

Will I go into His presence, or will I escape to a safe place? Wherever the real fire of God is starting to flare up a two-way street quickly forms. Many will come, but some will also leave. Some will be grafted deeper, and others will remove themselves from the vine. This is what revival does… and I believe this is what will be happening now! There is a pre-revival movement happening.


When revival fires flare up and the heat turns on... it is common to see some run to God while others run from the place He is appearing! Why? To the unprepared He is a consuming fire [Hebrews 12:29] that threatens their way of life, their pride and their religion, but to the prepared He is a refiner who loves to purify, restore and bless!


DO YOU WANT GOD’S FIRE IN YOUR LIFE? Because REVIVAL FLAMES are attractive to the lover, but offensive to the adulterer. When we see and experience God’s flame… many will push into it, but some will find it too much and will pull away. We must understand that there is a great difference between a judgement fire and a refiner's fire. One destroys and punishes… while the other purifies, shapes, and brings beauty, but here on earth we decide which we want to encounter. Maybe the question should be: “Are you in search of holiness or just a form of godliness?”… or even simpler… “Do you want a marriage or a fling?

  • Will you accept God’s deeper invitation to devotion, or will you stay at a distance? 


The presence of God is a holy fire that offends anything that’s not HOLY and purifies everything that wants to be HOLY! --Just as He who called you is holy, so you must be holy in all you do; because it is written: “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.” [1 Peter 1:15-16]


Are you running from the flames or staying? Those who love God and follow Jesus should want the fire of His presence to fall at all times!... even when its uncomfortable and challenging.



‘REVIVAL FLAMES’ - published 28 August 2024 as a follow on to ‘THE PRE-REVIVAL BATTLE!’ - published 23 August 2024. 

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