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Prophecy is not a POPULARITY contest!

Prophecy reveals things, not just nice things, God wants people to know about. Prophecy is important and must always be kept pure and honest. Anyone can say, “I have a word from God.” But are they telling the truth? That is the challenge of our time. Contrary to many modern concepts of prophets and prophecy… It’s not always popular to accurately tell what God says as He says it, because God does not always say what people want to hear.


Understand the biblical purpose of the prophetic is to reveal, predict, confirm, warn, correct, and declare eternal truth in the Spirit or nature of Jesus. [Revelation 19:10] How did He do it? With love and grace Jesus edified people through correction, warnings, teaching and revealing God’s desire for holiness. He never approved sin, never overlooked the truth, never bended to people's opinions, never looked for👍or❤, and never dishonored God in His speech or actions!


1 Corinthians 14:3 is often used to describe modern prophecy, but rarely taught well. It does say: 'for edification, exhortation and comfort', but the original language spells out the purpose of the instruction. This scripture does not mean a prophet should hold back truth so people can feel warm, fuzzy, and nice. No, the comfort, edification and strength spoken of comes when God’s truth is brought with such conviction and accuracy that is offers clarity and direction to those needing to know how to live a holy and successful life in peace with God. Look at it: He who prophesies speaks edification (oikodomēn -confirmation, equipping & teaching) and exhortation (paraklēsin – deliver verdict, calling & "holy urging" for believers to carry out God’s plan) and comfort (paramythian -console disagreement or quietening the soul) to men. [1 Corinthians 14:3]


Accurate prophetic words are often more likely to be shunned than liked! Many prophets are persecuted for what they say… and that is just something that must be accepted as part of being a prophet. They did it to Jesus and they will do it any true prophet. John the Baptist lost his head. Isaiah was sawed in two. Zechariah was stoned. The reality is a prophetic word and godly council does not need to be popular to be from God! Just because people reach a consensus that a WORD is uncomfortable, unwanted, too confronting, or not liked, does not in itself prove that the WORD is not a true word from God. Somehow many have come to believe when they don't like a word, (even if it is scriptural, accurate and in the manner of God), that they can just dismiss it and believe something else.


I am not saying that people do not or will not like accurate words… I am saying that the closer those words get to home… the less people want to celebrate them. Over many years I’ve discovered that many of my most accurate prophetic words that have come with a strong challenge, correction and exposing are rarely liked, shared, or celebrated. This does not bother me as I do not feel that in any way reflects on me as the delivery person, but it is interesting that over time many of those same words have been proven to come true, preceded fresh revelation, and have accurately predicted things that have come to pass.


A true prophet ALWAYS speaks God's word, not his or her own. They ALWAYS point to Jesus not themselves! Proof of accuracy should be measured in fruit, not likes and feelings.

  • Did they come to pass?

  • Was the warning correct?

  • Was the immorality or compromise exposed?

  • Did God do what He said He would do?

  • Was Jesus revealed through the word?


There’s a Yiddish proverb that says, “A half-truth is a whole lie.” With prevalence and easy availability of social media in our modern era there is so much 'prophetic stuff' around these days… the people of God need lots of discernment. We need to carefully examine for TRUE fruit! There is a wonderful example of the difference between what the people want and what God wanted is found in Jeremiah 27. In this scripture there was a group of false prophets and there was God’s prophet Jeremiah. The people pleasing prophets wanted Jeremiah silenced because what he was saying did not please the people and they had another desire. The people wanted something else. They wanted another instruction. They wanted a word that worked with their agenda and gave them what they wanted. So, these prophets, who claimed to still be followers of God, called for Jeremiah’s execution so they could say something else. They put their goals, motives, and interests into their prophecies. Thus, making them false.


Therefore do not listen to the words of the prophets who speak to you, saying, ‘You shall not serve the king of Babylon,’ for they prophesy a lie to you; for I have not sent them,” says the LORD, “yet they prophesy a lie in My name, that I may drive you out, and that you may perish, you and the prophets who prophesy to you.” Also, I spoke to the priests and to all this people, saying, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Do not listen to the words of your prophets who prophesy to you, saying, “Behold, the vessels of the LORD’s house will now shortly be brought back from Babylon”; for they prophesy a lie to you. Do not listen to them; serve the king of Babylon, and live! Why should this city be laid waste? [Jeremiah 27:14-17]


We should beware of PEOPLE PLEASING PROPHETS! 

Prophets are not made because people like or approve their words! They are established because God is seen and heard through the words they speak. Prophets prophesy whether people approve, like or cheer the words they release or not. The prophetic was never meant to make the prophet famous, popular or rich.


A big oversight people make is only following prophets who tell them what they want to hear. This is dangerous! When the prophetic becomes a WEATHERVANE of public opinion… it becomes politics not God’s WORD. When the prophetic becomes a WEATHERVANE of public opinion… it ceases to be a clear, pure, and accurate WORD from the Lord. Fact is… We don’t have to like the prophet or love their style for us to be able to recognise if they’re walking in Spirit and truth! If God said it… it is true irrespective of what or who we like. Sadly, people pleasing prophets are not always easy to recognize, but they exist.


Even the most tested prophets don’t always get it 100% correct every time. MISTAKES IN PROPHECY DOES NOT NECESSARILY MAKE A PERSON A FALSE PROPHET, but intentional deception, misleading words or self-elevation does. This is important to understand because we have both… true and false prophets… in our world. Objectives are key to knowing the difference…. false prophets know how to impress people and keep their attention. They are good at capturing people and manipulating them with popular sayings so they can be followed. For this reason, it is vital we must know God’s WORD so we can test what they what is said. John helps us when he says: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. [1 John 4:1] Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. [Matthew 7:15-17] Not everything that speaks is from God and not every voice you hear is God. Test EVERY word against God’s WORD!


A true prophet is careful to make sure everything they say keeps pointing to the heart of God! The prophecies of scripture should only be scary to those who are not ready to hear them!


When you honor a true prophet… and you will ALWAYS get his reward! [Matthew 10:41]



Published 15 March 2024


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