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More POWER, more OIL, and more HARVEST!

’24 will be the year of more POWER, more OIL, and more HARVEST!

“Dear faithful, the time of your ‘many coloured Joseph chapter’ has arrived. I am El Shaddai… The God of more than enough! I don’t want you bound and restricted! My faithful will see My GLORY! During famine nations should come to your table with great expectation. Amid drought your river should flow pure and fresh. IN ME, you should not run out of power, oil, or harvest! Even in the midst of famine and drought. You have been trained to be generous for such a time as this. The hungry will not leave your table hungry, and the poor will not be turned away. In you REVIVAL will open many wells of life and warehouses of salvation across this land. Your fields will flourish, and your storehouse will overflow with goodness! New wine and pure oil will pour from your worship. My people are called to lead, pray, shine, and prosper so MY GOOD NEWS is forever preached! I have called you to this!”

God walked me through a Word for ’24 this week and said:

“In Me …The faithful will get more fruitful. They will see fruit that multiplies and remains. They will see TALENTS added and they will see CITIES added. Their faith will see the reward of the Lord. Their good works will reveal My kindness and grace. They will hear: My beloved. I will bless you. I am pleased with you. Well done!” – these are not my words… they are the words of Jesus in your bible.

How much do you believe in the dream God planted in your heart? For it will require relentless, absolute, and unwavering faith in God’s goodness and promises to grasp and hold them!

Many, like Joseph, have faithfully held on, waited, paid, prayed, dreamed, and prepared for a promise so wonderful it would be impossible without God. Many like Joseph have dreamed and believed in something so large it could save, feed and impact nations. Many like Joseph have been laughed at, gossiped about, falsely accused, overlooked, cut off, pushed back, and even held captive by the jealousy and envy of others. Many have been stuffed down a dry well of empty religious activity and endured its hopelessness.  ... BUT somehow, they have not stopped believing! To those God is saying: “Things are about to change! Reawaken the flame of your first love and worship with exuberance. Your Joseph promotion is about to breakthrough. Your Joseph prophecies are about to become testimonies. Your Joseph anointing of prosperity, provision and overflow will NOW speak to nations about the goodness of your God.”

Papa says: “Put on your coat… wear your garment… get dressed in your ‘ketonet passim’- the anointed garment I gave you- and see your dream come to life! You will have joy uncontainable because it will be a dream come true!”

You loving Father says it time for your destiny WORD to come to pass and your light it be so powerful it can no longer be ignored. Don’t stop striking the arrows of your victory in the ground. Lift your head high! Shake off the prison dust from your garment… Put on your garment of praise… this is your time to step into your dream! It’s time for you to SHINE!

A final thought:

Today's impossibilities are tomorrow's miracles! Not every BIG DREAM comes to pass. Many receive big dreams and powerful words but fail to commit, move with God, and remain faithful till the end. Rewards are received at the end not the middle. You can change that by focusing on God and not your lack. Stop nursing your past and watering your disappointments, because it takes your faith away from what God said. Remember… BIG DREAMS don’t happen fast. They take bold and courageous faith! It is certain Joseph must have had many opportunities to grumble, quit and complain, but he kept trusting God to be faithful. Joseph knew, no matter how long or hard the journey, the only one who could make such an impossible and wonderful dream happen was God. So, he kept waiting and believing until the appointed time of God’s overflow arrived. Don’t walk away now… it’s so close you can hear the king calling!

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