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Let God redeem your tongue!

When Sunday comes… what will you say?

What comes out your mouth is evidence of where you choose to position yourself! Because in God’s presence our tongues are redeemed to work for God and not for evil!


Have you ever considered that the things you say and the sound coming out your mouth is evidence of whether you’ve been with God? Pentecost is a great example of that. On that day two very different sounds were heard coming out of people’s mouth. When 120 obedient and faithful ones came out of their time in God’s presence overflowing with joy and glory… the rest was like….

  • What’s wrong with you?

  • What happened to you?

  • Why are you acting this way?


  • What’s that coming out of your mouth?

  • Are you drunk?

  • Have you lost your mind?


Fact is over 80% of the first church missed the UPPER ROOM encounter because they chose to IGNORE AND REJECT Jesus’ command to “Come together. Stay together. To pray! To seek and to wait until!” Jesus firmly said: “Go WAIT and DO NOT LEAVE!” [Acts 1:4]

But they didn’t want to! They wanted to do something else! They wanted to do what they wanted to do. They were in the wrong place because they choose to be. Let’s not try to bubble wrap it… They were rebellious and disobedient to Jesus’ instructions because they wanted to be rebellious and disobedient to Jesus’ instructions. They were not together in prayer and worship because they did not want to be. So, when the day of God’s promise came… instead of their mouths overflowing in Holy Spirit they were overflowing in judgement, criticism, opinions, and confusion. Their mouths were full, but not full with God.


When the church decides to wait in the world they start to speak like the world, think like the world and judge like the world. But when the church decides to deny themselves pick up their cross and follow Jesus… they will sound like heaven on earth!


When the day of Pentecost came, 120 of those who received Jesus’ instructions were all together in one place. Wind blew and fire fell. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. When those outside heard it they were all amazed and perplexed, saying “Whatever could this mean?” Others mocking said, “They are filled with new wine. They must be drunk.” But Peter, standing up said: “These are not drunk, as you suppose. Praise God! What the prophet Joel said would happen has happened. God has poured out His Spirit!” [Acts 2:1-21] Their tongues were redeemed to serve God and not evil. They spoke of God's kingdom and not their own.


When Sunday comes and God has moved… what will be coming out of your mouth?

Praise or critique? Wonder or reproach? Words of life or words of death?

“These signs will follow those who believe… they will speak with new tongues.” [Mark 16:17]

Where we wait matters. In God’s presence our tongues are redeemed to work for God and not for evil! Make sure your position is such that God fills your mouth and not the world!




‘LET GOD REDEEM YOUR TONGUE!' - published 18 May 2024


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