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Learn to love resistance!


Every GREAT move of God is preceded by resistance! This should not be unexpected. The devil does not want anyone to have the keys to heaven's overflow.


We cannot have a move of God without His will impacting our ways. Heaven changing earth… the supernatural moving the natural… the holy transforming the secular… worship shifting atmospheres… they all come with resistance! Every new move of God will meet resistance on earth because every new move comes with heavenly keys that open great floodgates!


The greatest resistance to the next move of God are those still holding onto the last one.


The Lord showed me a great wave of resistance coming as the church leans, without restraint or safety net, into this next move of God. In the spirit I saw many roots of religion and doctrine wrapped around God’s new budding branches (churches being awakened in worship) attempting to choke out the NEW WINE before its even formed on the vine… and God said:

“These old roots will create resistance, but they will not succeed. Some wineskins will break, but THERE WILL BE NEW WINE IN MY HOUSE! I am releasing My YES for a new outpouring. I am refreshing My house with NEW WINE and FRESH OIL! Many have wrestled with the old ways I’ve moved and have struggled to let go of things that are not useful for the NEW WINE, FRESH JOY & OVERFLOWING CUP! The devil may have strongholds in the world, but he should not have any in My church. Believe Me when I say I’m looking for complete faith, unwavering humility, and total surrender in My house. To My people I say…Humble your heart or this resistance will take your heart to places it should not be going and give the enemy tools he should not have. Hear Me when I say I have determined in My heart that NEW WINE is coming whether you like it or not! There will be joy, fire and loud winds like it was in the UPPER ROOM. Get on your knees and surrender your will for Mine. Worship will lead you into the right heart for the new era. The greatest enemy to your promised land life is not the devil, it’s the limits you put on your worship. In this new era you will see My church flourish through a revival of radical WORSHIP and HOLINESS! This is how My temple is built!


This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT,’ Says the LORD of hosts. ‘What are you, O great mountain of obstacles? Before Zerubbabel, who will rebuild the temple, you will become insignificant! [Zechariah 4:6-7] I will give you the keys… I will build My church… I will pour out NEW WINE… I will do it… trust Me… keep faith… believe My promises… and don’t turn back from the course I have set you on! No roadblock… no giant… no army… not even the greatest mountain on earth will be able to stop you when you obey My word!”


In this prayer for revival, we must learn to love resistance! Resistance is evidence we’ve hit a wall between where we’ve come from and where we’re going. We look at resistance as something to be rebuked or avoided, but I say instead let it be something we celebrate as evidence we are going forward in what God has called us to. The enemy uses resistance to stop people, but God uses resistance to test obedience and faith. Victory waits on the other side of resistance.

  • Goliath was not David’s resistance… he was David’s breakthrough!

  • Jericho was not the Israelites resistance… it was their breakthrough!

  • The cross was not Jesus’ resistance… it was His breakthrough!

  • Your flesh, will, and comforts are not your resistance… submitted to God they are the servants to your breakthrough!


Make no mistake… the enemy is not afraid of you… He’s afraid of what you can do when you obey God! You are the gatekeeper to your breakthrough; you are the outlet of heaven on earth, and you have the power to live in overflow… Lift up your head and worship! Tell your soul to get in line! Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. [Colossians 3:2] Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [James 4:7] Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, let the King of glory may come in. [Psalm 24:9]


Be encouraged when you see resistance on your journey with God… you are about to see breakthrough!



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