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It’s coming together!

It’s coming together!

I heard the Lord say: “It doesn’t matter what the world looks like right now. You're standing at the door of exceptional favour. The good news for you is this: The door is unlocked. You’re entering the “it’s all coming together” part of Joseph’s story. Don’t worry about your surrounds. It may still look like you’re locked in a cell, but your cupbearer is on his way. It won’t be long now for those who love God and are called according to His purpose… for before your very eyes you will see it starting to come together! With your next step you must be ready to fulfill your purpose and step into revival! What looked dead is coming back to life. All things are starting to work together for your good! [Romans 8:28] The door of exceptional favour in MY PURPOSES are opening before you. The world, your family and friends do not see it yet, but they will soon. I have brought you to this door, at this exact appointed time, and I am about to release exceptional favour to you.”


It's all coming together! Now the hidden one has readied us to thrive through this famine. Pharaoh said, “Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, do.” Jacob said to his sons, “Take money and honour and go see a man in Egypt and pray he saves us.” The prisoner… the despised one… the dead brother who had no place and no status was raised up by God with exceptional favour in ALL the lands. The famine was severe over all the face of the earth, but Joseph opened FULL storehouses of grain in every town. People from all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain, because even though there was famine in all lands... God had raised and prepared Joseph to feed them all. [Genesis 41:55-57; 42:1-24] God knew exactly when revival was needed.


There are signs of a fresh revival in this coming famine season!

The time of this era’s Josephs being revealed is upon us. ‘Scarcity, famine and financial crises.... is a problem of the world… not a problem to God but have no doubt God will use the desperation and pleading of the world to reveal the ones He prepared to carry His salvation plan. You must know this! -There are many more great and powerful men and woman of God that have been pushed down, minimised and blocked for many years that are about to be revealed as the ones God has put His fire on. You thought you were harming them, humiliating then and keeping them in their place; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people. [Genesis 50:20] If there were no famine many of God’s approved sons and daughters would not be accepted by the world, but because the world is in crises their desperation will cause them to call prisoners to high office.


Where were they?

“I was preparing them,” said the Lord, “… because they were being prepared by ME to carry REVIVAL for what is coming on the earth. They look nothing like the sleek, manicured, people-pleasing and performance-based actors you are used to. They are men and woman who carry true anointing and real power. They know real surrender and real sacrifice. They know what it looks like to give up everything for their call. Now look and see the brother they tried to ignore, sideline, cancel, minimise and kill is on the rise with a covering of revival flames. Now see the sister without husband and sons become the vessel preparing the way for a king to save his people. Now see the poor, uneducated and ordinary fisherman healing the sick and raising the dead. Now see the one forgotten and left out in the field being FULLY ANNOINTED to become a king. Get ready for the obscure one rising with MY plans and strategy to feed the nations and flourish in the midst of disaster. It’s starting to come together!”


To those who love Me, kept the faith and stayed loyal to My PURPOSES… to you I say:… Promotion and elevation is on its way! Your time of testing and proving has passed. You’ve been waiting and persevering on a journey you did not understand but knew it was of God, and look… you are still here. Others have left... gave up... and stepped out of the UPPER ROOM. Not you! You waited! This is good… WELL DONE! ... Now you're standing at the door of exceptional favour… AND GUESS WHAT… The door is unlocked. I did not bring you all the way here to leave you standing in front of a locked door.

Come in… its open!


You got here because you did not give up. You held My words and promises close to your heart. Your brother’s tried to silence you, ignore you, minimize you and kill you, but here you are arising out of nowhere with MY REVIVAL FLAME burning all over you. When people laughed at your dream you just kept believing that I, the God who gave it, will be faithful to bring it to pass. When those who hated you tried to bury you, I resurrected you. When the jealous tried to kill you, you defied them by staying alive and on fire. When they saw who you could become, they blocked and locked you up hoping their prisons could limit and minimise your success. When they saw you living in blessing even in prison, they made false accusations against you, tried to discredit you and lied about you, but you believed Me and did not let go of MY PURPOSE for you. Praise God! You’ve did not waver or pull back.


Now go on and finish the course!

I’ve been with you all the way and I will stay with you to the end!

Keep your eyes on Me and I will show you even greater things than anything you’ve seen before. More dreams… greater dreams! You believe Me so far… now let’s go and take possession of the promises… ALL THE PROMISES!



‘IT’S COMING TOGETHER!’ - published 8 August 2024. Part 2 of a word ‘DREAMS ARE COMING TO HARVEST!' – published on 29 July 2024. Find it and other prophetic words on:

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