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If there is oil the fire will burn and NEVER go out!

Have you seen an oil lamp? It can burn forever without a flicker or a dim as long as there is ample supply of OIL. It’s not the lamp that’s burning at all… it is the OIL! But without OIL like the foolish virgins people will cry, “My lamp has burnt out, I have lost my light, I have no power left, I am empty and I have no way to make it come alive again.”


This is a sad statement, but it does not have to be yours. The fresh oil we seek… the one that keeps burning and never gets tired is only found in one place… it's spending real time with God on holy ground in His presence. There is no shortcut or 'fake it until you make it'. Nothing else can sustain the Christians fire!


Has your car stopped going, turning on or moving? When my car has an empty fuel tank a visit to the petrol station is the only thing that will work. I can do a hundred other good things, have great intentions to go and a pocket full of money to buy more petrol, but my tank will still be empty until I go to the petrol station. God's Holy Spirit is His fuel station that never runs dry, but it's not automatic. You have to get filled. [Ephesians 5:18]


If you abide in JESUS you will walk, live, and do like JESUS!  [1 John 2:6] He Himself said that those who remain in Him will do the things He did and even greater things. [John 14:12] HOW?  ACCORDING TO THE POWER that works in us. [Ephesians 3:20] Too many Christians try to live the Christian life without ever getting refilled with God’s fresh oil. One full tank can get you far, but not that far. The result of lack of oil is self-evident… Christians who don’t get filled up end up burn out, grow cold and live in the dark. They blame God for not being enough but forget to spend REAL time with God in worship and prayer. Jesus said without God YOU CAN DO NOTHING! [John 15:5]

Fact is./.. You were not made to make it without God!

THE DEVIL REALLY DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT! He wants you to run out of oil and BURNOUT!


The good news is … times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord [Acts 3:19]

Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me.” [Psalms 92:10]


Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think ACCORDING TO THE POWER that works in us. [Ephesians 3:20] This is what God’s oil does! It is the anointing or ability to do what God called you to do in the power He provides. He is the oil giver!


It's amazing how long you can burn when you're filled with oil. Even in old age you can bear fruit and be evergreen! There is supernatural stamina available to those who know how to remain so saturated in oil that their own flesh will never have to feed the fire. They will never have to do anything in their own strength.


Whatever you do…

Never let your oil run dry!

Never take your wick out of the oil!

Never let your lamp go empty!

Without a direct connection to a constant flow of oil...





OIL is available in abundance in the presence of the Lord!

Be continually filled up!


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