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Hold onto God like a TENT PEG holds onto a tent!

It's vital that we hold onto God like a TENT PEG holds onto a tent!

Heaven is about to release its wind and only those pegged will survive it! It’s time to pray. Not just a quick ‘get-out-of-trouble’ or ‘hallo-before-you-go’ prayer, but prayer that grabs hold of God and never lets go. In the days to come you will need it more than you realize.


I heard God say: There are too many floaters who will not be ready when the big winds come! BIG WINDS ARE COMING! There will be storms in the world and there will be MY WINDS. These will happen at the same time. Many are not ready for either. When storms come those not pegged will see their confidence, hopes, efforts, and peace easily blown away. The problem is people know how to cry out to Me in their troubles, but they will not attach themselves to Me for life. They won’t take My seal, be faithful and show up for Me. They want Me to show up for them in their crisis, but they have no intention of establishing a continuous faithful relationship with Me. They don’t understand the only place they will ever be safe is pegged in Me. I tell you… WINDS ARE COMING… you must hold onto Me!


So many people think they’re locked into Me, but in their lose, uncommitted ways they’ve severed their anchor to Me. They’ve become drifters without a home, houses without foundations and tents without pegs. They know of Me, but they are not in Me. They’re all over the place. And BECAUSE they’re not pegged into the ground and nailed to the door, they’ve forgotten how to seek Me… how to serve Me… how to pray… and how to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! They think they have plenty of time. They think they’ll be okay. But they are NOT ready for what is coming. The danger is they don’t have My seal, which leaves them prey to take the mark of another.


John declared… I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come One more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His fanning fork is in His hand. He will thoroughly clear out His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat (believers) into His barn (kingdom), but He will burn up the chaff (the unrepentant) with unquenchable fire.” [Matthew 3:11-12] Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea, or even on any tree. And I saw another angel coming up from the east, carrying the seal of the living God. And he shouted to those four angels, who had been given power to harm land and sea, “Wait! Don’t harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants.” [Revelation 7:1-3]


Heaven is about to release its wind and only those pegged will survive it! There is a fresh whirlwind of God about to touch earth with rain, vigor, and purpose. God will move, God will speak, God will disrupt, God will offend, and God will turn everything that is not anchored down upside down.

A mighty wind is coming!

The wind of change!

The wind of renewal!

It’s a wind that blows away the chaff and prepares the way!

It will purify and set the stage for something God wants to do.

I forewarn you… I am the wind… the mighty wind… the whirlwind that will blow again! Houses founded in Me will stand the winds, rains, and floods, but those who’ve loosened their grip to make friends with the world will have no grip… no peace… no anchor… no seal… when the great wind comes. How many times must you hear Me warn you before you take Me seriously, get pegged and do what I say? It’s not new… I have done this before, and I will do it again. A fresh mighty wind of My presence is coming to turn this world and its ideas upside down. [Acts 2:2] It will be wild, powerful, and offensive. It will be a revolution. It will rattle the religious, stir up the demonic and make the lukewarm uncomfortable. BUT…. Those pegged into Me have already seen, discerned and know this. They have been praying and worshipping deeper and longer than ever before. They have been drawing near and grabbing hold like never before. They are wise, ready and already waiting in My UPPER ROOM. They are tent pegs holding onto the Tent!


If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray (פָּלַל -palal -attach, wrap around and peg), and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from the heavens and will forgive their sin, and heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14]

How powerful is that?


Did you know the Hebrew root word for PRAYER is PAPAL, which means “TENT PEG”?

AND… did you know… VAV, the third symbol in the name of God YHVH, means: Nail, Tent Peg, Attach, Secure and Establish. Vav is a tent peg that nails things together to create UNITY, ACCORD, AGREEMENT and ONENESS! It is more than crying out to God. It is the passion to grab hold of God, be united with Him, and not let go.

Many people call out to God but not everyone prays to God. Calling out to God in the definition is not the same as praying. Jewish tradition suggests prayer is the practise of a person attaching themselves to God in the same way that a tent peg fastens and holds to a tent. That means when a person prays, they enter a process of grabbing hold of God like a tent peg holds onto a tent. Without tent pegs the smallest gust of wind can blow down, blow over or blow away any covering. Tent pegs serve a very important purpose. They establish and anchor a place of meeting, a place of safety and a place of dwelling. Without them there can be no tent. In ancient days the most basic of tents would see the tent itself wrapped around and tied onto the peg.


In Exodus 38 God made sure the tent pegs of the tabernacle were well made and sure placed, because until vital tent pegs were firmly put in place there can be no tent… thus no home, no shelter, no protection, no cover, no peace, and no meeting place. The same is true for a person without prayer.


Jesus said: “My house shall be called the house of prayer.” [Matthew 21:13] Enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes/pegs. [Isaiah 54:2] So then… PRAY WITHOUT CEASING [1 Thessalonians 5:17] means holding onto God and never letting go! Wind or rain… PRAY WITHOUT CEASING and be anchored in Him. So, like a tent peg, prayer grabs hold of God and securely attaches a person to Him so an ABIDING relationship can be formed, established, and kept.


You have this hope as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, which enters behind the veil to that most Holy Place in which the very presence of God dwells. [Hebrews 6:19] That’s where we’re secured.


Prayer is what you have when you grab hold of God and refuse to ever let go!

Biblical prayer is not just a random plea for help, a casual passing thought, a repeated pattern poem, or an occasional chat with God. Sure, there are times when these happen, but PAPAL PRAYER is so much more. It goes so much deeper! Like a tent peg needs to surrender every other occupation, distraction, and recreation for this one purpose… to hold onto the tent… so it is when we live a life of prayer. Rabbis teach PAPAL as speaking to God with uplifted hands in surrender because He has authority (Strongs: 6419 ~84 occurrences). If we consider that the parent root PAL means “fall”, then PAPAL literally means to “fall down to the ground (planted like a seed) in the presence of one in authority.” [Isaiah 45:14] This is the posture and purpose of a tent peg!


Now apply what you have discovered above and read this popular scripture again:

If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray (פָּלַל -palal -attach, wrap around and peg), and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from the heavens and will forgive their sin, and heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14] How powerful is that?


Growing in God means you hold onto Him tighter because the area of your tent has enlarged and keeps enlarging. Once you lengthen your cords and grow your faith you must also strengthen your stakes, driving them deeper into the bedrock of God’s truth or the winds of the world will blow it away.


When you pray … Hold onto God like a tent peg holds onto a tent!




- published 8 May 2024


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