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God wants you to OVERFLOW!

Yahweh is God and He wants you to OVERFLOW!

See this year … I will pour out more POWER, more OIL, and more HARVEST. Stand ready… MY rain is coming; your valleys are going to fill up and your fields will be irrigated directly from above. This will be a year of multiplied HARVEST! It will be rich and plentiful. Your threshing floors will again be piled high with grain, and your presses will overflow with new wine and new oil. [Joel 2:24] The Hebrew name Joel is "YHWH Elohim”, and it means: Yahweh is God! I am God and I can do what I want to! [Psalms 115:3] God said: Look - I'm sending a gift to those who repent: Grain and wine and olive oil… enough to satisfy you fully and completely! [Joel 2:19]


On the day of Pentecost Peter repeated the same words Joel prophesied. Coming out of the UPPER ROOM full of fire Peter preached “Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!” [Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21] and it resulted in a might HARVEST of 3000 souls. This will be such a year in the Lord!


As we walk into this new year God has been speaking to me strongly out of Joel 2:24 and Acts 2 over the last month saying:

These things must happen to My people before that final day. Don’t stop My OVERFLOW in these last days! It is necessary for the work I have called you to. I specialise in making rain, in opening closed doors, and making a way where there seems to be no way! Let Me bless you! I am God and I will pour out more POWER, more OIL, and more HARVEST on My people to complete the task. (Important note: Joel and Peter make it clear this prophesy and blessing was not for the rebellious or disobedient but for those who will call on the Lord, repent and worship.)


For I hear the Lord say: I have seen those who’ve turned away from the world with its wicked ways and sought only to seek My face. I have seen those who’ve sowed in tears, but never gave up on holiness, prayer, and worship. I know the hearts of those who refused to leave the UPPER ROOM until My promises are fulfilled. I tell you… circumstances and conditions are shifting… the former rain and the latter rain is upon you… see the door is open, and the way is clear for you to enter a new time of My sovereign OVERFLOW!


You must know this new time will offend the world, the poverty worshipper, and the unbeliever for I will bless you and bless you greatly. Consider the UPPER ROOM… When I pour out, I ALWAYS pour out generously. Not only in spirit, but also in the fields I have put in your hands. MY GOSPEL IS GOOD NEWS in a dark, tormenting, poor, and painfilled world. You are meant to destroy the works of darkness and disarm the devil with My OVERFLOW through you. Every seed, talent, and gift I gave you has power to multiply and silence evil. Let My river run through you with fullness and blessings! In and through you My goodness is going to shine like a blinding light for the whole world to see. You’ve trusted Me during the locust years and kept sowing… now you will see My promises, walk in My power, and deliver My abundance to the poor! Those who’ve trusted in Me with unrelenting faith and patience will see My harvests come in and they will gladly and with great joy deliver this abundance to the nations! Your soul will sing: ‘The Lord has done great things. I will rejoice and be glad for the Lord’s goodness is upon me and His favour and blessing are all over me. How can any weapon formed against me ever prosper?’ [Isaiah 54:17]


YOU ARE MY CHURCH! … My people… a powerful people… a mighty blessing… the visible expression of a loving Father in a lost and dying orphan world… you are the obvious goodness of the Lord. You have not bowed to another god or given yourself to idol worship… so you should not care if the world is in famine, drought, distress, or depression for you are their answer. The Lord Yahweh is your God, and you are His instrument! You are the place people come to be delivered, blessed, fed, healed, and restored. Like Joseph in the midst of a world falling apart your storehouse will overflow, and you will never need to turn anyone away. Like Isaac who prospered with fruitful fields when the world suffered drought, I will make you a blessing. Like Jesus who came to heal all who are sick and destroy all the works of the devil, I will make you a mighty weapon in this world. My sons and daughters will prophecy, see visions and dream dreams so specific they will know exactly how to cancel the power of the locust to devour, hurt, and devastate. You are My authority on the earth to see My will be done. As I sent My Son, so I am sending you to destroy ALL the works of the devil!


Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us [Ephesians 3:20]


This will be an amazing year to be a Jesus follower! No hiding for you!

There will be HARVEST…

there will be REVIVAL…

there will be fresh OUTPOURINGS…

there will be unbelievable MIRACLES…

there will be AWAKENINGS…

and there will be great REJOICING!

I will give you every blessing so that you can let your light so shine before men, that they may SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS AND GLORIFY your Father in heaven. [Matthew 5:16] You will OVERFLOW like you have never experienced before! Such will be the restoration, promotion, and compensation of the Lord be in you!


I am super excited for what 𝟐𝐨𝟐𝟒 will open up and what God will do with HIS people this year! It’s harvest time!


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