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GIVE ME A BRAVEHEART that will trust You!

GIVE ME A BRAVEHEART that will trust You!

In a disloyal world… Lord, give me an undivided heart! [Psalm 86:11]

Now more than ever… God is looking for undivided hearts that are loyal and faithful!

These are military days. These are revival days. These are radical faith days. These are Kingdom of God advancing days. These are heaven moving earth days. These are men without God losing their head days. These are the days where the devoted will take lands, remove obstacles, destroy giants and seize legacies, but the divided will be defeated, broke, sick and lost. Jesus said: It’s the undivided heart that can see God! [Matthew 5:8] They will see God and know what to do! For this reason… You must guard your heart and keep it undivided!


God is calling His loyal soldiers to put on their full armor and stand in FAITH!

An undivided heart is a brave heart, because the faith that is stirred in such a heart has no patience for compromise, occupying giants, roadblocking walls, fear peddling demons or dividing spirits. Did you know that the word faith (pisteōs) means  -faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty! Nobody can say they have faith if they are not loyal. The bible tells us in Hebrews that it is faith that God rewards. The question is….

Will you have a loyal, pure and undivided heart in the days ahead?


GOD’S THRONE IS ABOUT TO IMPACT THIS WORLD in a way so dynamic many will experience the fear of the Lord physically in a way they never have before. God’s enemies have gone too far, humanity has tested His restraint for too long, and people have disregarded too many of His commands! God’s sovereignty, rule and power will shine on the darkness parading in the earth, and it will scream in His presence for His presence is holy. In the next few months, I see God supernaturally and blatantly restoring His order, rule and will to many confused and lost nations and churches.

The world will know there is a sovereign GOD!

The church will return to their GOD!

The lost will find their GOD! 

This should not come as a surprise. God has been speaking, warning, stirring, calling, sending sign after sign and word after word, wonders in the heavens and mighty winds on the earth for a while now… I believe, before this year is out, there will be a fresh unprecedented move of God like nobody alive has ever encountered! Heavens floodgates are about to overflow and God’s glory is about to cover the chaos on the earth. We have seen bits of it over the last two years, but that is nothing compared to what’s coming.


For what is coming… God is calling every watchman to their post, every warrior to their station and every soldier to attention. God requires His people to have pure, loyal and UNDIVIDED HEARTS! Every time Jesus spoke about this requirement people left, because they did not want to let go of their other masters. The problem is… No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. There is absolutely no way anyone can serve God and mammon (mamōna -money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord). [Matthew 6:24] Jesus told us the only way love, faithfulness and loyalty works is when you do it with ALL your heart. [Matthew 22:37] Trust in the Lord with all your heart. [Proverbs 3:5] A divided heart will always struggle with loyalty, because a divided heart wants two different things at the same time. This will never be satisfied!


Understand that with God there is no halfway solution. Soldiers cannot fight for two kingdoms. A soldier cannot even fight in two different companies or under two different commanders in the army. They cannot be divided– it’s all, or nothing. Not some, not most, not even a lot… but ALL! There is no room for vacillating, flipflopping, talkback, arguments, compromise or jumping from place to place. There can only be unwavering faith, loyalty and surrender. Facts is: An undivided heart can beat only for one purpose at a time.


To be loyal comes from an old concept that says: To exist in such a way that you cannot be divided without losing the substance of who you are. Being pulled in two or more directions will see a person split apart becoming incomplete, unstable, unsafe, and unable remain standing.


Be a whole-hearted person. WHY? A divided house cannot stand! It has no integrity! An undivided heart is like a solid house built on an indestructible rock. While a divided heart is like a weak building on sand with a crack in its foundation. It’s unstable, unreliable and unsafe. It will not take much for it to collapse. ‘No integrity!’ is what people say when a building starts pulling apart. A building inspector would say… ‘its lost its integrity! Don’t live there. It is not safe and can no longer be trusted’.

  • A divided heart will never have enough to give!

  • A divided heart will never know what uniform to wear!

  • A divided heart will try to run with every team!

  • A divided heart’s only reward is captivity, exhaustion, disappointment and burnout.

  • A divided heart will try to be a chameleon running in the colors of every team but will soon be devoured by the birds who see them not blending in!


Are you a whole heart kind of person?

Jesus had an undivided heart! – when the devil wanted Him to go here and go there… do this and do that… He just replied: No, I have a loyal heart!

Nehemiah had an undivided heart! – when people called him to leave his place and come here and go there… he just replied: No, where I am and what I do is important, I will not leave it to come to you!

Young David had an undivided heart! – when others said go home… don’t fight that giant… he just said: No, I love my God!

Daniel had an undivided heart! – when he was told to keep king Nebuchadnezzar happy and just go with the world he lived in… He said: No, I purposed only one thing in my heart to serve the Lord!

Paul had an undivided heart! – when he described his passion he said: Choose your one thing and stick to it. Forget everything else and keep your eye on the prize! [Philippians 3:13-14]


Don’t FALL AWAY from God’s blessings by dividing your heart. Guard your heart, hold it pure and keep it UNDIVIDED! There is great power and blessing in that kind of unity!

Has anybody been instigating or inviting your unfaithfulness?

Has anyone told you to walk away from a covenant God has put you in?

Has anyone told you to have an affair with another vision for your life?


I looked up the original Greek word used in the New Testament for ‘FALLING AWAY’… and discovered the meaning to be:… to defect from loyalty, to request a letter of divorce, to separate from a covenant, and to disregard an oath. In the Old Testament the word is also translated as rebellion or rejection. So, ASK YOURSELF...

  • What has GOD brought together in my life?

  • What did He call me to?

  • Where did He unite my heart and call it good?

Once you see it… guard your heart [Proverbs 4:23] and don’t let anything (no human, demon or sin) separate what God has brought together in you! [Matthew 19:6]

I tell you… stay away from voices that want you to be mixed and have a divided heart! RESIST that DEVIL!!! -because A DIVISION SPIRIT IS A COVENANT BREAKING SPIRIT, and this is not God. I discern the demonic has released many such spirits to block many from enjoying the blessing of what God is about to do!


If you want to see and walk in what God is about to do in this season there must be no room in you for a disloyal and divided heart.




‘GIVE ME A BRAVEHEART! An undivided heart' - published 8 June 2024

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