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Dreaming of much fruit in winter!

Updated: Aug 6

While it is still winter, we should be going to God dreaming about MUCH FRUIT to come!

This is the point of abiding! When autumn and winter comes… the branch does not give up, break off and fall away… no it goes to faith… believing the vine that has always been faithful surely will be faithful again. The branch knows there will be seasons where faith in God will leave it no option but to trust in His placing and hold onto the vine…

There will be times when it feels like every leaf has fallen off!

There will be nothing times!

There will be dry wildernesses!

There will be valleys of death!

There will be crop failures!

There will be loss of things and absence of loved ones!

.... BUT God says if you bring Me what you have in faith, in every season, I will be with you in every season.


This vine has proven it is faithful! So, the branch has no doubt dreaming of fruit… lots of fruit… plentiful fruit… promised fruit. When it awakens… when winter is done… it knows… something beautiful will come!


The fact is… The power does not come FROM us… it comes THROUGH us!

Something miraculous happens when a person learns to trust God and obey Him through the nothing times of life. When spring comes and the branch is still in position and still abiding… the vine says to the branch… hold on… the time has come… I’m sending you into overflow! I’m sending so much of Me to you that your branch will overflow with life to the point of pushing out MUCH FRUIT as a testimony of My overflow in you. ONLY IN THE VINE IS THIS POSSIBLE! … It’s the power of abiding with expectation!

See the miracle… You will eat and there will be baskets of leftovers!

The LORD knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed and IN THE DAYS OF FAMINE THEY HAVE ABUNDANCE. [Psalm 37:18-19] For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. [1 John 5:4] What are you putting your faith in right now? What are you abiding in? Stay… abide where God grafted you and you WILL flourish!


How can trees of righteousness grow unless they are established?

The bible teaches the principle that trees will flourish and be fruitful when they remain planted in the right place with their roots firmly holding in all seasons. The moment they dislodge their roots and begin to wander… they cut off all possibility of life flowing in them causing things to start drying up and the production of fruit reducing until it stops. This is the revelation of abiding.


  • Has things started drying up and fruit stopped forming in your life?

  • Can you trace back to a time you started pulling your roots out from the place God planted you?


Don’t be afraid of winter or famine… be more concerned with the state of your abiding!

Acts 11:28 tells us there was going to be a great famine in the land, but God prospered His church through it. They never stopped. In fact, they were so blessed, the bible tells us, they were even able to give to other believers who needed help! There was enough provision for everyone to flourish. God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. [2 Corinthians 9:8]


Isaac flourished in famine. He sowed in that land (where God placed him) and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. (in famine) The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; he acquired so many flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, and servants that the Philistines became jealous of him. [Genesis 26:12-14] The Bible says that the Lord blessed Abraham with livestock, silver, and gold in the time of famine. [Genesis 13]


The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall NOT lack any good thing. [Psalm 34:10]

Trust God!

Stay faithful!

Abide where you are planted!

Winter does not last… Spring is coming!


‘DREAM OF MUCH FRUIT IN THE WINTER!' - published 10 January 2024. Find it and other prophetic words on:

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