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Born again to live again!

Born again to live again!

Salvation starts at the cross, but the revival life starts in the UPPER ROOM!

The shout of Revival is:-

"Remove your death clothes and come out into the light... Lazarus isn’t dead... he has been revived!"

UPPER ROOM is the place of tarrying in faith, prayer, and worship until the presence of God is so FULL that you can’t help but shake off old robes and be clothed in His marvelous NEW life. Revival means "to live again.”  God wants you to live again!

The challenge is… This will not happen in your room… it will only happen in His room. Jesus said: You must wait in the place I sent you until you are clothed with power from on high. [Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4] If you know Jesus and have accepted His salvation, then… You must come to His UPPER ROOM of encounter and revival!!!

The point of salvation is that you must come out of your house and into His. Jesus did not send them home… He sent them to His appointed place of transformation and abundant life! Breakthroughs happen when we listen and obey! Jesus told them to gather together, pray... and to wait … wait until you meet Him!!! Now it may take days. Jesus never said how long it will take... hours... days… but wait… God will move IF you wait!

I have discovered… Something beautiful WILL happen every time people are willing to wait in God... for God... UNTIL He decides the time is just right for Him to move. Without fail… if a person seeks Him in intimacy, that person WILL find Him in power!

It is also true that many people don’t see any harvests or overflows in their Christian life simply because they are impatient and unwilling to wait… UNTIL God moves! Most people quench the fire before it even has the opportunity to change their life! Those who entered that UPPER ROOM may have wanted to haste God... get things moving... set up an order of service... but they soon discovered God will not be rushed or prodded on by anyone!

It is important to be constantly reminded... that God's presence and His moves can never (and MUST never) be rushed!

Our revival experience at our church over the last year and a bit has been that most of the outpourings, glory, miracles, encounters, visions, and prophetic words in our meetings happen well after the time we would usually go home to those who chose to WAIT UNTIL God moved. Now it is quite common to see our services go well over three hours and prayer meetings go to midnight. Not because we plan it that way... but just because nobody has the desire to RUSH GOD! It's been amazing, but I have been asking God: 'Why is it happening this way?' Recently God told me… Paul and Silas prayed and worshipped at the midnight hour when all should have been in bed sleeping. They could have done the same… but they chose to seek Me instead. So, it was there at the midnight hour that I released My glory and power! [Acts 16:16-40]

The revelation of “I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you” becomes very real when you are willing to come into a place where you allow your natural reality to wait until you meet with His glorious presence. Rush this and you won’t see it.

The truth of “I will be with you always… even to the end of the age” becomes power when you allow yourself to enter His courts with thanksgiving, prayer and worship completely surrendered into His hands. In such a place of sacrifice and reverence that YOU LAY DOWN your ways for His. It's in such hunger and thirst that Jesus is manifest.

What you must realize about the UPPER ROOM is that it was not a delivery … it was an introduction! True, faithful, and honest relationships take time! God’s UPPER ROOM was an invitation to a new way of living and communing with God. It was God’s encouragement for EVERY believer to move beyond the veil and live in His presence. It was His promise that everything Jesus said we can do… is real… it is true… it is yours… but you will never realize it unless you are willing to receive it.

Born again… live again!

Revival means "to live again." Something amazing happens when you choose to forsake what you want for what He wants!

All your life needs right now to LIVE AGAIN is to personally know Him and have a real relationship with God by His Holy Spirit! It is that personal. Unless you are willing to enter the UPPER ROOM of knowing Him intimately… your Christianity will just be an empty religion void of power and excitement. BUT IF YOU CHOOSE TO ENTER… your life will never be the same again!

O the joy that fills the soul when we are watered by the Presence of God!

 -- Have you met Him?

Are you living in joy?

Are you living in peace?

Are you overflowing in His blessings?

Are you living in the UPPER ROOM of God’s continuous appearing?

God does not withhold anything from those who withhold nothing from Him!


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